Packaging Bags In Nigeria - DesaignHandbagsHow to Start Food Packaging Business In NigeriaFood packaging in Nigeria has become a big business because people can't survive without eating food on a daily basis. The business is to buy raw foods such as rice, garri, beans, dried fish, bulk dry pepper and then package them to small amounts to be sold at retail prices. Therefore, Packaging can be defined as science, art and technology of confinement or protection of products for distribution, storage, sale and use. Also read: Packaging also refers to the process of design, evaluation and production of packages. Packaging can be described as a coordinated system of preparation of goods for transport, storage, logistics, sale and final use. In ancient times the first packages used the natural materials available at the moment: baskets of cane, wine skin, wooden boxes, ceramic pots, ceramic amphora, wooden barrels, weaving bags, etc. Processed materials were used to form packages as they were developed: for example, glasses of glass and bronze early. But in modern times the methods used in the packaging of goods have been improved and include;Forro: which implies the use of tin plates for the packaging of goods Canning: Canning is a method of preserving the food in which the food contents are processed and sealed in a hermetic container. Canning provides a useful life of shelf that ranges from one to five years, although in specific circumstances it can be much longer Paper-based packaging: A paper bag is a preformed container made of paper. They usually have an opening on one side for easy packaging. Paper bags come in a variety of shapes and sizes and exist with or without handles to carry. Often, paper bags are printed with store logos and/or brand. Paper bags, brown paper bags, paper bags, paper bags, paper bags and other lightweight paper bags are made from a single layer of paper. Other types of paper bags are made from multiple layers of paper and other flexible materials. Paper bags are ideal as a container to contain compostable waste. They are easily composable, as demonstrated by their use throughout the country in municipal leaf clustering programs. The type of packaging material that will be used to pack any food is determined by the nature of the foods that should be packaged. Also read: We usually have 3 types of packaging and include: Primary packaging: it is the material that first wraps the product and sustains it. This is usually the smallest unit of distribution or use and is the package that is in direct contact with the content. Secondary packing: is out of primary packaging, and can be used to prevent pilferage or to group primary packages together. Tertiary or transit packaging: used for bulk handling, storage of warehouse and transport. The most common form is a palletized unit load that is firmly packed into containers. These general categories may be somewhat arbitrary. For example, depending on use, a wrapper wrapper can be primary packaging when it applies directly to the product, secondary packaging when used to combine smaller packages, or tertiary packaging when used to facilitate some types of distribution, such as strengthening a series of cardboard in a palletRequisites to start the packaging business in Nigeria: Perform feasibility studies: Another decision you have to make is to buy a wholesale packaged meal. Find veteran information in a similar field to learn more about the challenges that arise with the creation of a packaging business, to avoid being stranded and falling out of business in the future. Legal Backups: A business must have a legal operation so that you need to get the necessary state requirements for your business operation. In some states so you can successfully operate food packaging businesses that will need food management training. Now, if you are planning to operate your business in the comfort of your four-pin house, the Public Health Department will conduct an inspection of food and food preparation. If you plan to expand your horizon and send to other states, then you have to comply with federal regulations. Source of Capital: In any business, capital is also very important. But you have nothing to worry about this issue because the Small Business Association helps entrepreneurs to provide local and national information and resources on capital collection. Location: The location of this business is also very important because this can be the first step to get business license and permissions according to Market Looks, an investigator. For you to know the required licenses and permits, the license office will be the one that will inform you. Hiring workers and professional workers: the team of employees who will work at the factory is also very important as they will be made to submit to special training sections on how to work with the foods that will be packed without contaminating them. Professionals should also be employed to help maintain the equipment and carry out the necessary chemical and biological tests on the food materials to be packaged. Read also: List of packaging equipment 1. A food dispenser2. An industrial sealing machine equipped with a table3. Nylon, Cartons, shelves for packaging.4. weighing scale5. Tables and Chairs6 Cartons for final packaging. The power generator (between 2-5kva) is necessary for electrical machines and other electrical equipment. Food packaging processes include: 1. Food products that are packed for example garri, rice, beans, yam powder, etc are poured into the soft steel dispenser.2. The eg nylon bag is kept directly to the dispenser's discharge point to feed on the product.3. After filling the bag, take the product to the weighing scale and take note of the weight in kilos.4. The final step is to properly seam the rolled product to avoid leaks or contamination using a sealing machine. Also read: Conclusion The type of packaging material that will be used in the packaging depends to a large extent on the food product that will be packaged. And in any food packaging factory, the fastest source of contamination comes from food handlers. And if any packaged food product has been contaminated, the other foods packaged in that lot will be returned to the factory to be destroyed, and this will bring great losses, to prevent this proper training from being carried out for factory employees. Having a good source of capital before embarking on any business as no business can thrive without financial backing. It is also important to know that the registration of the product to be packaged is very important. Therefore, the appropriate license must be obtained from a good government agency and an example of such agencies in Nigeria are NAFDAC (National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control) and SON (NBA). Copyright Advertence! Read NextFilm Production Company in Nigeria8 Steps + Materials needed to make liquid air recover8 Steps to produce toilet soap in Nigeria9 Steps to produce spaghetti in NigeriaJoin our newsletterSubscribe to our mailing list to get the new updates! We hate spam like you. 10 Best women's clothing for one night 9 steps to start a comedy in Nigeria Related Articles Answer Your email address will not be published. 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